Monday 31 March 2008


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

I am not a scholar to discuss this super-heavy weight topic but since someone has asked about it, I think there is a need to explain my position. I thank the person for pointing it out in my previous post and this is just a response, no intention to

First of all, if there is any doubt about someone's intention, it is better to ask directly than make a guess, which the commentor did. So, my answer is, I don't have the intention to make the theory preceding ALLAH's destiny. It is just a joke and guesses as I stated at the end of the post.

Second, what is shirk? Interestingly wikipedia has an answer. Is making a guess of the future a shirk? Is predicting what will happen next a shirk? If so, then all the research that trying to predict or extrapolate the result to forecast the future is a form of shirk. Don't do weather forecast. Most of the research generates theories. RAHMAN is just a very weak theory which of course has not been properly researched and tested. I have never claimed that I believe in it or to say it scientifically, accept the 'theory'.

Third, shirk is associating ALLAH with other beings. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said that he doesn't worry about his ummah in committing shirk because the teaching of tawhid is clear from shirk, rather he has more worry on the temptation of wealth. It is really difficult for a person who has come to know about the existance of only one God and no other to come to believe that there can be other being that is more powerful to predict the future and destiny. If the person in the first place has not had this kind of understanding of tawhid, it is easy to slip into shirk. The Prophet (saw) also said that the shirk that he worried the most is the minor shirk or Ar-Riya' (proud of oneself) and then is the secret shirk (showing off). I can see how this can easily happen to muslims who have tawhid. You worship the One God but you show off and proud of yourself for doing that. No doubt that is a form of shirk.

So, there are two sets of different curricula for different groups of muslims. One group who know they are muslims but don't really understand tawhid, let them know what is tawhid first before accusing them committing shirk. The other group is those who know about tawhid, don't worry about major shirk because it is difficult to turn back, the Prophet (saw) doesn't even worry about that, so teach them what are minor shirk and secret shirk. That would be more useful to them.

So, let's stop accusing people committing major shirk, in most cases either they don't really understand tawhid yet or they have no such intention to commit the biggest sin in Islam. In the case of accusing people committing minor or secret shirk, how can we judge a person's intention? So let's just only look at ourselves in this matter.



1 comment:

cakapaje said...

Salam bro,

Foremost I apologise.

However, kindly note that I never pointed fingers at anyone most especially you on the matter, but referring it in general.

I did so as I know many people here especially in UMNO who believe in the theory without doubt. It is as though to them, written in the stars already (astrology). And when you reflect about what I mentioned earlier, then perhaps, you may see my point of view.

Again I apologise should my earlier comment be misconstrued. I for one, love to have reverts more as a brother than a born Muslims such as myself.For in truth, reverts have been given the hidayah while a born Muslim like I, may still be searching for it.