Wednesday 26 March 2008

How blogging changes the country (Part II) - Cyber War

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

As I have written right after the election regarding how blogging changes the country, today it amplifies louder as the PM finally admitted that he has taken the bloggers' writings for granted in his election campaign. Now, following the success of many opposition politician bloggers, the BN politicians who used to condemn bloggers and threaten them to be imprisoned under the Internal Security Act (ISA) start to think of starting their own blogs, mashaALLAH! Now, as I said I dislike spreading rumours and if the politicians decided to start a cyber war here, the situation can be very ugly because at the end, again when the big guys are fighting up there, the victims are always the civilians, and in this context, it is those citizens who don't really want to educate themselves properly.

We either be very honest in what we are writing & saying or we educate people to differentiate what is right and what is wrong, i.e., teach them how to think! If the later is preferable, who cares who is controlling the main stream media or the alternative media? Now I am wondering if the government is regretting for giving big fat juicy tenders to their families to supply ICT facilities to all the schools & kampung so that they can surf these alternative media?

Cyber war can be a form of Neuro-Psychological war. What we want to win are the minds and the hearts of the people, and we can control the rest. Call it discussions, debates, arguments, persuasions, brainwashings, pressures, humiliations, etc., if the war started, I think we can think of a new career and earn some money from this new job opportunity.

To all the bloggers, whether it's a money-earning or non-profit blogging, please write with truthfulness and be accountable for what you have written/said on your blogs.



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