Saturday 8 March 2008

The Oldest Female Malaysian Parliamentary Candidate?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

As I checking through blogs of the governing parties' and opposition parties' supporters, I came across this news:

Maimun Yusuf, aged 89 living in a very worn out small hut in a poor village in Kuala Terengganu (east coast of the peninsular of Malaysia) is probably the oldest female Malaysian Parliamentary Candidate. I am really touched to know her story and her will to want to enter the Parliament and to bring change to the Malaysians. Motivated by the poverty and corruption happening in her area, she decided to take on the challenge as an Independent candidate (which usually is hard to win a seat) in order to fight the problems. Many people are touched by her and some of them help her by setting up a blog, a facebook and even a fan club for her. Probably we need to review the reasons for her to want to carry this big burden at this age without much resources (just look at her poor house!), is the country really corrupted that even an old lady is taking action to this far? I can only wish her good luck cause she is not in my area to vote for.


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