Wednesday 23 April 2008

Mahathir on BBC Hardtalk

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

I am not a supporter or opponent of Mahathir but I really respect the way that he answered the questions by Stephen Sackur the the latest BBC Hardtalk. Calm, confident, clear and though he has been sacked until he was breathelss in answering the questions, he still has the opportunity to sack back Stephen and question him. Such a quality of a debater should be a model of the leaders of the country. I am not saying that everyone has to follow any of his negative examples (if there is), but in a talk like this when you and your country are severely attacked by foreigner, you need to learn how to defend your country like Mahathir. Like it or not Mahathir is still a very respectful person, even in the eyes of the West or they won't quote his sayings and be cautious about him.

I would also like to give a credit to Mahathir for his effort in developing the human resources in Malaysia. He reformed the educational system after giving a comprehensive report on Malaysian education in 1979. After that, we have so many educated citizens who read, write, criticise and think openly. His coin of paradigm shift has really shifted the mindset of many Malaysians hence today we can see how reformation led by the opposition is no more a naive fighting but sounds intellectual and clever. Mahathir has given a lot of thoughts in building the nation and despite all other corruptions and wrong doings in his government, he still managed to put Malaysia in the eyes of the world and made us Malaysians proud to be Malaysians, with many who are educated, open-minded, motivated, ambitious and capable to lead the country both politically and economically.

I would think that if he had not said anything after this recent election, many of his faults will not be dug up and he will remains as the best Prime Minister of Malaysia. Anyway, probably it is the time for justice. Only ALLAH's scale will be the most just. No matter how we weigh the good and the bad, we will not be able to tell if a person is more to good or bad because we are just humans who have no power over anything. So, there is no point of finding someone's contributions and faults and then weigh out if the person is really doing good or bad to the country. Let's just look at the good side, not the black dot on a white wall, for every human.



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