Friday 29 August 2008

We are Malaysians

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

Anwar comeback - 101 East Aljazeera.

KJ said,

DAP is secular and the Islamic Party is ... and theocratic state and left to their own devices together, there's no way that these parties can come together.

I would say, we are Malaysians, you will find the seculars, the religious, you will find the different races, the educated, the ignorance, the non-religious, the agnostics , the atheists, the muslims, the christians, the hindus, the buddhists, the sikhs, etc. Yes, we are all different, but there is one thing that binds us all together, MALAYSIANS. So, what's the problem for a secular party and a theocratic party be in one alliance? As long as there is respect between each other, upholding the same value of anti-corruption, justice, anti-oppression, and all those good values either for the seculars or the religious, and for the different races and religions. Will the secular or the religious say no to justice? To anti-corruption? To prosperity? To anti-oppression? To welfare? To helping the poor and weak? Probably KJ should go back and study more in Oxford on SPS and write a thesis on the failure of racial-based politics.



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