When I look at the blogs of the UMNO's leaders (those newly created after the recent election), I can't help wonder who designed the layout for them, especially the Header banner. I am not saying that they are ICT-illiterated, but it really takes a lot to do the Header banner if you don't know how to use any graphic designing tool like Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Illustrator or any sort of technology similar to these. I can't help finding similarities between their blogs. See Khir Toyo, Ali Rustam, Muhammad Muhd Taib and Mahathir.

How many bloggers can design that type of Header banner? See Rocky's Bru, Marina Mahathir, Nuraina A Samad, etc., very simple.
Of course, the contents of what they are writing are really from these UMNO's leaders. My point is, is this a collective initiave by UMNO after they woke up from the political tsunami? Can they still say negative statements about the bloggers as some of them used to say?
It#s easier to convert to 468x60 banner,
Regarding the contents: when the rakyat want to speak out but cannot find the avenue to do so, they blog; that is one reason why the Internet or blogs are or were known as alternative media.
But these figures within the government which the mainstream media(MSM) is at their disposal, why do they need blogs?
Oops, I forgot: the rakyat don't go for MSM anymore. Perhaps that is why the figures mentioned do so. But then, the rakyat chose not to ignore the MSM precisely because of these figures! So, what gives?
Could this be the case of 'Monkey see, monkey do', which leads to 'bagaikan ameno dapat kuasa' - a modern version of 'bagaikan kera dapat bunga'. For now, they have intention to curtail the Internet.
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